How to Appear Online to Some of Your Friends on Facebook Chat

"Appearing offline to some of your friends on Facebook Chat" might happen in any case when you fought with him/her or you want to chat with one or two people only and do not want to be distracted by others messages. If you want to appear offline to those "NO TO CHAT" people in any case, then facebook has a nice feature which enables you to choose with whom you do not want to chat.

Well, if you are having a lot people in your friend list and would like to chat only with a few real friends and do not want to be distracted by others, this trick may help you in such a case.

Well, you might be aware of the offline/online feature that comes to be offline/online to everyone. So, let us go further.

Steps to Appear Offline to Some of your friends on Facebook:-

(1) Firstly Login into your Facebook Account.

(2) On the homepage, at the left side, Locate Lists and Click on More.

Appear Offline to Some of Your Friends on Facebook Chat

(3) On the next page, Click on Create a list button and give your list a desired name.

Appear Offline to Some of Your Friends on Facebook Chat

(4) You will be redirected to the next page where you will be asked to 
add friends.
Note: Add only those friends with whom you want to appear online to chat.
You will be able to add friends to the list from the right side of your page.

Appear Offline to Some of Your Friends on Facebook Chat

(5) When you are done by adding all your friends to the list with whom you want chat and appear online, Go back to your chat sidebar, and click on the 
settings button and then click on Limit Availability...

Appear Offline to Some of Your Friends on Facebook Chat

(6) Then SelectOnly make me available toand mark the group you just created and Click on OK. That's all.

Appear Offline to Some of Your Friends on Facebook Chat

This makes you appear online to only those friends to which you selected.

So, I hope u liked my article!!
Kindly share your views on "Appear Offline to Some of Your Friends on Facebook Chat"!!!

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3 Respones to "How to Appear Online to Some of Your Friends on Facebook Chat"

Salman @ Tech Blog said...
16 November 2011 at 05:00

Truly a wonderful tute on managing the availability on facebook !! Thanks for the share Kuldeep

Kuldeep Khatri said...
17 November 2011 at 01:28

Thnxx for your comment!!
Keep Visiting!!

Peter @ Computer How To Guide said...
19 November 2011 at 00:02

I always wanted to ask people about this particular How-To, thanks for sharing Kuldeep.

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