Schedule your Emails for future Posting

Schedule your Emails for future Posting
 Scheduling mails for future posting is a great requirement nowadays as sometimes we may be too busy to send mails or may be going outside. Sending mails in future is quite easy with an online site that is Futureme.org . Futureme.org is an awesome website which helps to Schedule our mails for future posting. It is easy to use. There are no problems in sending mails.

Schedule your Emails for future Posting

  • Go to Futureme.org
  • And click on sign up button present at top right corner of the site.
  • Fill the details and complete the sign up process.
  • After that, you will be logged into your account.
  • Click on write a letter to the future.
  • Enter the required message,subject,recipient's mail,etc.
  • Schedule the date on which you want to send the mail.
  • And click on Send to the Future.
  • You're done!! Enjoy!!

It is  easy to use!!
So, I hope my article was useful to you!!
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2 Respones to "Schedule your Emails for future Posting"

Rajesh @ Make Money Blogging said...
7 November 2011 at 04:48

it is even possible right from your email, I have tested this in Gmail....

Kuldeep Khatri said...
7 November 2011 at 04:51

Ohk..thnxx for the info!!
Keep Visiting!!!

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