Get Email alerts on your Phone for free

We are too busy to check our mails regularly. However, we check our mails occasionally. So, I am going to provide you a very useful trick that will help you to receive your Email updates on your phone. This is a very simple and useful trick...


  • Firstly go to this site www.site2sms.com .
  • Register on site2sms with your mobile number.
  • After registering on that site, go to Email alert tab in that site.

  • Set your days and time when you want to receive the Email Updates via SMS as shown below.

  • Now go to your Gmail Account and put this link in your address bar.

  • Now you will be redirected to the page that is your Gmail Account's Settings.

  • Now click on Forwarding and POP/IMAP.

  • Add a forward Email to site2sms.com

  • Now verify account via code.

Enjoy!!! You are done!!! Now you can receive Email Alerts on your Phone!!!

So, I hope my article was useful to you!!!
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3 Respones to "Get Email alerts on your Phone for free"

coolection@all said...
28 September 2011 at 07:10

thnks.. alot

Trickstreasure.com said...
7 November 2011 at 00:58

NIce trick... :)

Kuldeep Khatri said...
7 November 2011 at 04:26

Thnxx for your comment!!!
Keep Visiting!!!

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